Discord • over 1 year ago
Helium: Leading the Way in IoT with LoRaWAN
- Beecham Research report validates LoRaWAN as the leading LPWAN technology for IoT applications.
- Helium community bolstered by the recognition of LoRaWAN's superiority.
GM, @Community
Exciting News in #IoT
The latest Beecham Research report confirms that LoRaWAN is the leading low power wide area network (LPWAN) tech for IoT applications. Great news for the Helium community! The future is bright! 🌐 #HeliumNetwork #LoRaWAN
Find more insights, testimonials, and details in the full press release! 📑 🔗 https://lora-alliance.org/lora-alliance-press-release/new-beecham-research-report-validates-lorawan-is-the-leading-lpwan/
Source: Discord - Helium →
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