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Decentralizing PKI with secure computations & signature schemes
We bring you real world use cases of web3 through DePIN. And btw, you can generate passive income along the way!
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Lit Protocol introduces Datil Mainnet Beta, a decentralized key management network for developers to enhance digital ownership and data security on the Web.
Discover the Lit project's groundbreaking features for simplified blockchain transactions, identity management, and content publishing.
Learn about the powerful features of Lit Protocol – the decentralized key management network with advanced encryption schemes and enhanced distributed key generation. Discover the beta release of Cayenne network and Lit JS SDK V3.
Lit Protocol is changing how web3 apps handle access control and authentication. Their decentralized network allows for personalized content libraries and scalable collaboration. Excitingly, a decentralized mainnet release is in the works.
Check out the latest updates on the Lit Protocol project! Discover important developments, new features, and exciting integrations. Developers, get involved now!