MASQ Protocol Liquidity Migration to Uniswap v3
- MASQ Protocol has shifted its Owned Liquidity (POL) from Sushiswap to Uniswap v3.
- Uniswap is now the recognized platform for MASQ Protocol, hosting its official pool on Ethereum.
- Users are encouraged to ensure the authenticity of the token contracts before engaging in any transactions, with the official contracts provided in the designated channel.
@everyone Liquidity Update
Please be informed that MASQ Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) on Ethereum has been migrated from Sushiswap to Uniswap v3 today.
You can find the new officially supported pool on Uniswap Ethereum!
We have completed this migration to support the wide popularity of Uniswap for Ethereum users and to leverage the benefits of the v3 system for the MASQ protocol
Community members are encouraged to always verify the token contracts when performing any swaps!
Official token contracts are found in (channel)
Uniswap Permalink URL is:
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