Monthly Community Call for Helium Project
- The Monthly Community Call will take place on Discord
- It is open to developers, hotspot owners, and community members
- Discussions will cover Helium Improvement Proposals (HIPs) and related topics
📣 The Monthly Community Call is scheduled for t:1695830400, from 12:00pm – 1:30pm ET (4:00pm – 5:30pm UTC) here on the Discord stage.
This conversation is intended for developers, hotspot owners, and any interested community members to discuss matters related to the Helium Ecosystem. Receive updates and join us as we talk through active Helium Improvement Proposals (HIPs) and related technical, economic, and governance topics.
If you have a proposal, Network initiative, or project that you'd like to discuss, please post it in the foundation channel. Tag one of the Community managers, and we'll try to incorporate it into this month's proposed agenda.
🫵 Get involved in the development of the Network!
Source: Discord - Helium →
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