Discord • over 1 year ago
Tableland Weeknotes - October 5, 2023
- FILDEV Iceland was recently held, serving as a platform for various discussions.
- A new product design framework was introduced during the event.
- A sneak peek was given into the upcoming hackathon, generating excitement among participants.
- The announcement was made about a new feature being added to project "Basin".
A double dose of Tableland content to kick off the month... a new Weeknotes is live, featuring:
- recap of FILDEV Iceland
- novel framework for product design
- hackathon re/pre-view
- new feature for project "Basin"
- DePIN discovery dispatch + spotlight
Give it a read, subscribe, and join our weekly office hours! https://tableland.substack.com/p/weeknotes-october-5-2023
Source: Discord - Tableland →
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