The Impact of Values on Technology and Building a Better Future
- The Internet was initially intended as an open, free, and empowering space, but has evolved into a centralized platform controlled by a few powerful institutions.
- "FAANG companies" have gained immense power over the web, using surveillance and division for profit.
- Non-consensual data collection and centralized data storage raise concerns about data security and manipulation.
- Lack of transparency in data practices and decision-making processes of large tech companies creates further challenges.
- To reverse the Internet's division and centralization, the values built into technology must be reimagined.
- Six core values to prioritize when building digital platforms are privacy, exploration, equity, openness, freedom, and individual sovereignty.
- Blockchain technology can enable profitable businesses that expand access while preserving these core values.
- Organizations like Orchid are already leading the way by designing platforms around these core values and prioritizing privacy.
- The mission is to reclaim the Internet as a place of freedom, exploration, and safety through privacy-focused solutions.
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