
OBD-2 Pass-Through-Splitter


OBD-2 Pass-Through-Splitter - OBD2-PassThrough_1
  • OBD-2 Pass-Through-Splitter - OBD2-PassThrough_1
  • OBD-2 Pass-Through-Splitter - Group767

Use this OBD-2 splitter to split your OBD-2 port into two ports with simple plug and play.

Thanks to the optimized design and an even better production quality, the storage space in your vehicle can be used more efficiently.

Increased lifespan: Reduce wear and tear on your DIMO device as it no longer needs to be plugged in and out if you want to use the OBD-2 port.

Maximum effectiveness: You want to use another mining device besides DIMO? Then split up your port to get the maximum out of your vehicle.